All of us would like
to be considered creative persons. In my
message this week, I will explore the concepts of creativity and vision
from a Christian perspective.
My scriptural foundation is Joel 2: 28-32. This is a very interesting text, especially
because the Apostle Peter uses it as his scriptural text, when he preaches the
first Christian sermon at Pentecost.
Peter employs this text to demonstrate that the apostles and other
followers of Christ are not drunk, but rather filled with the Holy Spirit. See Acts 2: 14-41.
Based upon the prophet Joel and the Apostle Peter, I will suggest that creativity
and vision
are special gifts that God gives us through the Holy Spirit. In our individual lives, in our everyday joys
and struggles, God gives Christ’s disciples these twin gifts of creativity
and vision. I also believe that God gives these gifts to
congregations. And, God expects us to
use these gifts for our individual flourishing and for faithful discipleship,
both as individuals and as the community of faith.
Joel 2: 28 says, “I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young
men shall see visions.”
But, what does it mean to prophesy or dream as God intends us to
do? How do we develop and utilize these
twin gifts of creativity and vision?
In my message this weekend, we will look at some secular ideas about
what creativity and vision are—and, how we can develop them. For instance, the National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones has spent a great
deal of time exploring creativity. We
will look at some of his ideas. But, we
will also explore creativity and vision from the perspective of
Christian faith. How does God call us to
be creative
and visionary?
Finally, in my message I will explore different things we sometimes do
to undermine and destroy our creativity and vision—both as individuals
and as communities of faith. For
example, one way churches sometimes undermine creativity and vision
in their midst is with the seven deadly words: “We’ve never done it that way before.”
I invite you to come on Sunday and learn more about how you can be a
more creative
and visionary person—and how we can be a creative and visionary
community of faith.
If you live in the Meriden-area and do not have a
regular church home, please consider attending Meriden United Methodist Church. Meriden UMC is located at the corner of
Dawson and Main. Our worship service
starts on Sundays at 10 am. Everyone is
welcome and accepted because God loves us all.
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