Sunday, December 16th, I will be preaching during an alternative “preview worship”
for a new service that we will launch in 2019.
The service will be held in the Family Life Center (gym) at Christ
United Methodist Church.
For this proclamation,
I will be reflecting on Mary’s “Magnificat” from Luke 1:46-55. In Luke the story of Jesus’ birth begins with
the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she would conceive and give birth
to the long-awaited Messiah; she is to name him, Jesus. After the angel departs, Mary decides to
visit her relative Elizabeth and share the great news. Elizabeth, herself, is also pregnant with her
own son, who will grow up to be John the Baptist.
When Mary
enters her home, Elizabeth’s child leaps within her womb and Elizabeth, filled
with the Holy Spirit, blesses Mary and prophesies that her child is the long-awaited
Messiah. The “Magnificat” is Mary’s
response to the blessing and prophesy of Elizabeth. This passage is traditionally called the “Magnificat”
because in Latin the first word in the passage is “magnify”—or “magnificat"
in Latin.
A careful
reading of Mary’s Magnificat suggests that we can divide it into three distinct
parts. In my proclamation, I will
suggest that each part holds a valuable lesson for contemporary Christians. The
first lesson concerns the importance of gratitude for all that God gives to us. Here’s the passage:
And Mary said,
‘My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.
Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for the Mighty One has done great things for me,
and holy is his name. (Luke 1:46-49)
‘My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.
Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for the Mighty One has done great things for me,
and holy is his name. (Luke 1:46-49)
begins in gratitude. Her soul magnifies
the Lord and rejoices in God because God has favored her and done great things
for her. Over my life as a follower of
Christ, I have discovered that I need to be very intentional in cultivating
gratitude towards God. I find that I get
so busy and wrapped up in my activities and concerns that I sometimes forget to
be grateful? So, I have to be
disciplined in my devotional life to include time for gratitude. I suspect that I am not alone among
second lesson is that God will bring about a great reversal, leading to mercy
and justice for the poor and marginalized:
His mercy is for those who
fear him
from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm;
he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
and lifted up the lowly;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty. (Luke 1:50-53)
from generation to generation.
He has shown strength with his arm;
he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts.
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
and lifted up the lowly;
he has filled the hungry with good things,
and sent the rich away empty. (Luke 1:50-53)
Mary proclaims God’s love and mercy
for those who are faithful. Further, she
prophesies a great reversal, in which God will bring down the powerful from
their thrones and lift up the lowly. God
will fill the hungry with good things, while sending the rich away empty. Note that Mary is go confident God will perform
these deeds in the future that she uses the past tense! God has promised and God will deliver! For Mary this prophesy is a certainty.
To demonstrate this great reversal in
the proclamation, I will show a video clip from the movie, Les Misérables. In the scene I have chosen, Jean Valjean, who is
very poor and hungry, steals silver from the Cathedral. The police apprehend Valjean and return him
to the Bishop. They tell the Bishop that
Valjean claims he was given the silver and thus did not steal it. Although Valjean has stolen the silver, the
Bishop confirms his story, telling the authorities that he did give the silver
to Valjean and then reminding Valjean that he forgot two silver candlesticks. So, the police release Valjean. After they leave, the Bishop tells Valjean to
take the silver and make something worthwhile out of his life. This exactly what Valjean does. The gift of the silver leads to a great
reversal in his life.
We might well ask why God initiates
such great reversals. Why, for instance,
does Mary predict that God will fill the hungry with good things, while sending
the rich away empty? Does God not love
the rich? We know that God loves all
people, rich and poor. And, we know that
God seeks to enter into loving relationships with all people, rich and poor. The answer is that God fills the hungry with
good things because they are hungry and have nothing, while God sends the rich
away empty because they already plenty for themselves.
God loves rich and poor equally. However, to love two persons equally does not
mean we treat them equally. Even though
a father may love both of his children equally, he is going to provide a sick
child with extra care and attention because that child is suffering. Similarly, we can say that God makes a
preferential option for the poor because they are the ones who are
suffering. Further, as disciples of
Christ, we are called by God to care for those on the margins of our society, who
are powerless, poor, hungry, homeless, sick, and in need of medical care. Ministries of mercy to those who suffer is
fundamental to Christian discipleship.
Similarly, ministries of justice, in which we seek to disrupt and change
systems that are unjust and exploitive is fundamental to Christian discipleship.
The third
lesson from Mary is that God remains faithful.
She says:
He has helped his servant
in remembrance of his mercy,
according to the promise he made to our ancestors,
to Abraham and to his descendants forever. (Luke 1:54-55)
in remembrance of his mercy,
according to the promise he made to our ancestors,
to Abraham and to his descendants forever. (Luke 1:54-55)
Mary concludes
by proclaiming God’s faithfulness. The
Hebrew scriptures tell story after story of how the Hebrew people are
unfaithful and disobedient to God. Again
and again, the Old Testament prophets condemn the people of Israel for their
disobedience and call upon them to repent and remain faithful to God. Time after time, God forgives the people and
welcomes them back into a loving relationship.
God remains faithful.
Down through the ages, trusting in
God’s faithfulness has always been difficult for human persons. It seems as though it’s part of human nature
to prefer trusting in ourselves and our own resources. This difficulty may be greatly
exacerbated in post-modern societies where we struggle to reconcile faith and
science. There appear to be a great many
“Christian agnostics,” who verbally claim to be faithful Christians, even
though their actions belie their faith claims. Yet, part of Christian
discipleship involves trusting in God rather than ourselves.
In summary, Mary’s Magnificat provides three vital
lessons for living as faithful Christian disciples:
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude towards God
for what God has already given us.
Work for mercy for those in need, such as those
who are hungry, homeless, or in need of healthcare, etc. Also work for justice for those who are
exploited and oppressed.
to trust in God’s love and faithfulness.
If you live in the Lincoln, Nebraska area and do not
have a place of worship, then I invite you to come and join us at Christ United
Methodist Church this Sunday, December 16th.
You may wish to join our “preview” alternative service at 9:45, where I
will reflect on what we can learn from Mary’s “Magnificat.” In addition, you are welcome to attend our
8:30 am and 11:00 am services, where this week our children and youth will present
their 2019 Christmas program. Christ UMC
is located at 4530 “A” Street in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Come, join us. Everyone is
welcome and accepted because God loves us all.
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