These days
the word, “Christian,” is a loaded term.
To some people, it means a “hypocrite,” while to others it refers to
someone who is “superstitious” or “greedy.”
To still others, it refers to someone who is “judgmental,” while to
others it means someone who is faithful to God.
To even others, a “Christian” may take on additional meanings.
In our foundational scripture from the
Book of Acts this weekend, the first Christians were described as “these people
who have been turning the world upside down.”
During his ministry, Jesus frequently “turned the world upside down.” In my post last week, I remembered how Jesus
turned the popular, accepted notion of justice upside down. Rather than accepting “an eye for an eye and
a tooth for a tooth,” Jesus taught his followers, “…if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other
also…” (Matthew 5:39)
There are
many other examples of Jesus’ teachings turning the world upside down as well:
When Jesus says, “Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Luke 6:20), he turns the socio-political
world upside down by privileging the marginalized over the powerful.
When Jesus teaches, “ ‘You
have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your
enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you.’” (Matthew 5:43-44), he turns our natural inclinations
upside down.
when Jesus consistently refers to God as Abba, “Pops,” then he turned the
nature of our relationship with God upside down.
In addition
to his teachings, Jesus also turns the world upside down through his
Jesus turned the conventional understanding of keeping
the Sabbath upside down, when he healed on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6, Luke
13:10-17) and allowed his disciples to pluck grain in the field on the Sabbath
(Matthew 12:1-6).
Rather than hanging out with the righteous and
the powerful in society, Jesus frequently ate with sinners and the marginalized—thus
turning the social order and the expectations for a rabbi upside down. (Mark 2:15-22)
During the last week of his earthly life, when
Jesus was in Jerusalem, he stormed into the Temple and overturned the tables of
the money changers and the merchants who sold doves, quoting scripture and
saying: “‘My house shall be called a
house of prayer’; but you are making it a den of robbers.” (Matthew 21:13)
Again and again and again, Jesus
and the early Church turned the world upside down. Yet that all changed in 312 C.E., when the Roman Emperor Constantine
converted to Christianity. Whereas
before, Christianity was literally an outlaw religion, banished to the margins
of society, after Constantine’s conversion Christianity became the official
religion of the Empire. Whereas before Constantine’s
conversion, becoming a Christian meant becoming socially ostracized and risking
the death for one’s faith, afterwards becoming a Christian was a career move
leading to social and financial promotion.
Constantine’s conversion became a
watershed moment because it encouraged Christianity to shift away from turning
the world upside down. Rather, as the
official religion of secular society, the Church was predisposed to defend and
justify the prevailing secular society.
There were important exceptions to this generalization, of course. For instance, one shining exception was Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the religious-led Civil Rights movement. Yet, despite these important exceptions,
Christianity, and especially the Church, has focused more on supporting and
defending the socio-economic status quo.
But, what if the Church began turning the world upside down again?
I began this post by noting that
for many people today, the word “Christian” has a deeply negative meaning,
raising up negative adjectives, such as hypocritical, superstitious, greedy, and
judgmental. The truth is that many
contemporary people view the Church with great suspicion. Yet, despite the negative assessment of the
Church and Christianity in general, Jesus is popularly viewed in overwhelmingly
positive terms. This disconnect for many
people—both inside and outside the Church—is that in his life Jesus clearly
modeled the love and life which all of his followers should have. Yet, when they look at the Church and
contemporary Christians, they don’t see the enactment of Jesus’ teachings; they
don’t see the Church doing anything productive or worthwhile. Instead, they see hypocrisy, superstition,
greed, and judgment.
Perhaps before the Church can turn the world upside
down, someone needs to turn the Church upside down. But, what does that mean, to
turn the Church upside down? And, what
will it take to turn the Church upside down?
If you live in the Lincoln,
Nebraska area and do not have a place of worship, then I invite you to come and
join us at Christ United Methodist Church this Sunday, January 13th. As we continue our series on the “Upside Down
Church,” I will suggest that it is the responsibility of those inside the
Church to turn it upside down.
Christ UMC is located at 4530 “A”
Street. We have three worship services
on Sunday mornings at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00.
The 8:30 and 11:00 services feature a traditional worship format and the
services are held in our Sanctuary. “The
Gathering” at 9:45 is held in our Family Life Center (gym), and it is more
informal and interactive.
Come, join us. Everyone is welcome and accepted because God
loves us all.
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