Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happiness and Healthy Relationships

            This weekend (September 28th & 29th), we will continue our sermon series on happiness by exploring healthy relationships.  We know from the empirical studies conducted by psychologists and other researches that healthy relationships are a key component for true and lasting happiness.

            The scriptural foundation for our exploration of happiness is 1 Corinthians 13, which Christians have nicknamed “the great love chapter.”  Among the many important insights on relationships in this chapter is this observation in verse 4:  “Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful of arrogant or rude.”  Many people are already familiar with this scripture by the Apostle Paul because it is frequently read at weddings, and it does offer very wise advice for newlyweds. 

Yet, when Paul wrote this chapter, he was not thinking of marriage, specifically.  Instead, he was thinking of relationships between individuals in general.  So, the advice in 1 Corinthians 13 is pertinent for all sorts of different relationships, including our relationships with friends, parents, children, other family members, neighbors, significant others, etc.  This week, we will use the “great love chapter” as our guide toward understanding how to build healthy relationships that contribute to happiness.

If you live in the Meriden-area and do not have a regular church home, I invite you to join us this weekend, as we continue our exploration of becoming happier persons.  Meriden United Methodist Church is located at the corner of Dawson and Main Streets in Meriden, Kansas.  We have two worship services each weekend:

Ø  Our contemporary service starts at 6 pm on Saturday evenings.

Ø  Our classic service starts on at 10 am on Sunday mornings.

Everyone is welcome and accepted because God loves us all.

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